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Competition / Lucky Draw / Give-Away Rules

  1. By entering any competition initialized by the George Tens Sport & Lifestyle Festival, you consent to all competition rules as set out on
  2. By entering any competition initialized by the George Tens Sport & Lifestyle Festival, you consent to receive information regarding the George TENS activities and competitions.
  3. The judges decision is final.
  4. The Draw is open to anyone aged 10 or over.
  5. No entries from agents, third parties, organised groups, or entries automatically generated by computer will be accepted. Incomplete, illegible, or corrupted entries will not be accepted. Entries not in accordance with the entry instructions will not be accepted and any violation of these rules will result in your disqualification as a Winner and all privileges as a Winner will be immediately terminated.
  6. The Winner will be drawn at random within one month of the closing date from all validly submitted entries (the “Draw Date”).
  7. The Draw is limited to one entry per person. If We suspect that a Participant has used multiple email addresses to submit more than one entry, only one entry will be considered.
  8. By entering the Draw, all Participants hereby agree that We may collect and use their personal information, including the transfer of their personal data for the purposes of the administration of the Draw. We do not accept responsibility for personal information submitted being lost, damaged or delayed as a result of any network, computer hardware or software failure of any kind.
  9. The Winner will be notified by email within a month following the Draw Date and must claim their prize within 300 days of notification. We will not be responsible for the prize once claimed for any of the following reasons: lost, damaged, or deletion of the prize.
  10. In the event of any Winner failing to claim their prize after 30 days following notification, the prize will be revoked and redrawn.
  11. Winners will be asked to provide their name, email address, and location before the prize is given.
  12. Prizes cannot be transferred to a cash alternative. All taxes, costs, liabilities, and unspecified expenses associated with the usage of the prize are the sole responsibility of the Winner.
  13. All information submitted by Participants is subject to and will be treated in a manner consistent with George TENS Privacy Policy.
  14. We reserve the right to modify these rules, suspend or discontinue the Draw at any time. This is without limitation where it is necessary to do so due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control or if it cannot be guaranteed that the draw can be carried out correctly for technical or legal reasons or if We suspect that any person has been manipulating the administration of the Draw or has acted unethically in any other way.
  15. Except as excluded by law, the George TENS Sport & Lifestyle Festival accepts no responsibility for error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions of any kind, or inaccurate transmission of, or failure to receive entry information on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site or any combination thereof.
  16. We are also not responsible for any injury or damage to a Participant’s, or any other person’s, computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any materials in the Draw, or for mail-in or submitted entries that are lost, late, misdirected, damaged, incomplete, or illegible.
  17. As a condition of entering the Draw, all Participants agree that: (a) under no circumstances will Participants be permitted to obtain awards for, and Participants hereby waive all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, consequential, or other damages; and (b) any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, but in no event shall such claims, judgments or awards include legal fees.